



TIPA, 관세청 주관 'KOREA CUSTOMS WEEK 2023' 참여

작성자 TIPA

작성일 23-04-27 00:00

조회수 1,275




우리 협회는 426~272일간 서울 신라호텔에서 관세청이 주관하여 개최한 

‘KOREA CUSTOMS WEEK 2023’에 참여했습니다.


KOREA CUSTOMS WEEK 2023글로벌 관세협력과 디지텉 세관이라는 주제로 

70여개국 관세청장, 국내외 기업인 및 세계관세기구(WCO), 세계무역기구(WTO),

국제기구 관계자 등 600여 명이 참석한 대규모 국제 행사입니다. 


우리 협회는 이번 행사에서 민관 협력 세관 현장 지재권 보호 활동, 일반수입물품 단속 지원

지식재산권 신고 제도 등 협회의 지재권 보호 활동 관련 리플렛을 전시하여 행사에 참여한 

각국의 관세청 및 국제기구 관계자들에 소개했습니다. 

하단에 TIPA가 행사에 전시했던 지재권 침해검사 프로그램 시연 영상이 있으니 확인 바랍니다.


Our association participated in the "KOREA CUSTOMS WEEK 2023." 

hosted by the Korea Customs Service at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul for two days from April 26 to 27.


KOREA CUSTOMS WEEK 2023 is a large-scale international event attended by more than 600 people,

including heads of customs offices from more than 70 countries, domestic and foreign businessmen

and officials from the World Customs Organization (WCO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), 

and international organizations. 


TIPA is an organization established under the supervision of the Korea Customs Service to protect

intellectual property rights for goods imported and exported during customs clearance. 

TIPA collaborates with the Korea Customs Service and has developed a program for public-private cooperation, 

which incorporates highly advanced next-generation AI technology to build a system for 

efficiently protecting intellectual property rights.


TIPA is pursuing an overseas customs consulting business for this public-private cooperation program.

Specifically, TIPA performs intermediary roles in verifying intellectual property infringement with rights holders, 

focusing on the Korea Customs Service and customs clearance stages.


Through this, TIPA was able to detect over 100,000 cases of the small parcel or cargo infringement and 

carry out on-site verifications for rights holders in the past year alone.


Secondly, TIPA is developing and operating a system essential for performing these roles. 

TIPA calls this system CDS(Counterfeit Discrimination System), which connects the Korea Customs Service and rights holders. 

CDS supports all administrative procedures, status recording, verification requests, and customs resulting in notifications 

that occur while using human resources.


In particular, we'll bring next-generation artificial intelligence to CDS later this year. 

They are making it possible for customs officials to confirm the infringement at any time. 

The role of AI is to determine whether there is a possibility of infringement, 

and if it is, to immediately notify rights holders so that customs officials only need to conduct inspections. 

AI supports subsequent actions, including automatically informing right holders or customs inspectors.


From the development of the human resources process to the on-site construction of the system, 

TIPA is carrying out consulting services with our capacity 

If you are interested, please contact us anytime.

At the bottom, there is a demonstration video of the intellectual property infringement inspection program 

displayed by TIPA at the event, so please check it out.


- Contact : chris@e-tipa.org

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   If you click on the picture below, you can download our new leaflet.
